Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Marley is tranquil
I thought Marley had recovered from his A.C.L. surgery, (his knee) about 6 months ago but the other day he went three legged on me. Of course I immedietly called the vet and let them know. He's on Duramax for pain and I have tranquilizers to keep him tranquil.
Its not easy to keep him immoble.
He goes to work with me so at least I can keep an eye on him. The Ebook I bought on actual dog owners who went through the same procedures really helped prepare for the surgery and post operation care. So its going to be very trying for me the next few days. Sorry Marley, no tennis balls today!
Please give my Marley dog support and sign in at the upper right of the DogDayShop site and follow his blog.
The Marley needs a little help with his medical bills, I am a responsible dog owner with insurance but Crucial Ligament Ruptures and nuclear attacks are not covered. A small generous contribution would be appreciated by both of us.
Scott Nelson
Faithful Companion
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